Friday, December 26, 2008

Make New Friends but Keep the Old....

One is silver and the other gold. Okay, this lesson was driven home for me as I struggled with setting my fingers on the string accurately and effective. Twice, I forgot lessons that I learned earlier, only to have to relearn them this week. The boring details: finish with the finger placement you started with. In my case, if my thumb and pinkie are touching at the beginning, they damn well better be touching at the end of the shot. B.) Don't pull the string until you raise the bow. The is no way to calibrate how much you pulled it; you can't do it the same each time, so don't even try. Waiting to pull the entire string in one movement, for me, results in tighter groups. I feel foolish for forgetting these hard earned lessons.

Well how does this extrapolate to life? Well, like most people I can get fascinated by the new: new people, new places, new things to do. But sometimes new is not better. Sometimes an old friend with their understanding and knowing really, truly is better than a person you may not really know at all. Maybe I'll get up enough guts to talk about exact how this applies to my own life, but that will take some time. All I know is this: we must count our blessings---and remember them.

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