Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Go with your Gut

Okay--this is a fairly common lesson. But after getting my new stabilizer all set up and working great, it dawned on me that my grip on the bow slipped. Still, I did nothing. I thought about it. Then thought about it some more. Finally, I said, to myself--do something. And low and behold, the doing something really helped. I had the nirvana experience of shooting "easy" today. I didn't struggle with the bow or the grip or my stance. It was "point and shoot."

I realize though that going with your gut sometimes isn't the best way to go, so maybe I am advocating a split on this one. Listen to your gut, think about it, (really think about--assess options, etc) then act. I wouldn't want to veer too far in the other direction of knee-jerk reaction either. But we really should listen to the our voice, not the one we speak with but the one inside.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Outdoor Season Ended....Sort Of has been awhile since archery has lead me to any great epiphanies as of late aside from all the ones I probably learned and lost just as quickly.

Though perhaps that isn't true. Being at Nationals really helped me to appreciate friendship and sportsmanship.

I learned to trust my gut on who works with me and who might work against me.

I learned that spreading a little kindness never hurts, even if you aren't too sure about who you are spreading it to.

I learned to listen to some elders--which I suspect just may make me a better archer.

Hopefully, most of all, I have learned to lighten up some. I did about 85% of what I set out to do last year. Sometimes, we need to take pleasure in that. Things don't have to be 100% to be celebrated. You can celebrate every step along the way. Enjoy it or why do it?